FREE Online Hypnobirthing Course with all Antenatal Classes - Find out more


What is Hypnobirthing?

Once you’ve completed Week Three of our antenatal course you’ll have the opportunity to sign up for our FREE Online Hypnobirthing Course with one of our highly experienced Hypnobirthing-trained Midwives.

Even before we trained as hypnobirthing teachers, we had seen the effects of hypnobirthing again and again. we have seen women hypnobirthing at home, hypnobirthing in a pool in a gorgeous birth centre, we have seen women using hypnobirthing techniques whilst sitting with an epidural and a syntocinon drip on labour ward. we have even seen women using hypnobirthing in theatre.

Hypnobirthing is about releasing fear and changing to a positive mindset about childbirth. We know that the power of the mind is incredible. We know that where the mind leads the body follows. With this in mind many women using hypnobirthing are able to have the birth that they have been dreaming of. For others (generally because their babies have other ideas) they may not have the ideal birth that they have always dreamed of, but by using the hypnobirthing techniques, whatever happens, they report a positive childbirth experience and that in itself is priceless.

What will I learn on the Hypnobirthing Course?

  • Breathing exercises
  • Deep relaxations
  • Visualisations
  • Very effective work to release fear and build confidence
  • Comforting massage
  • How the father can be your powerful protector and support
  • How your body is designed to give birth with efficiency and comfort
  • Knowledge and information about the whole process
  • How ‘the system’ that you find yourself in works, and how to work with it to achieve the best result for you
  • A simple practice regime to support you at home
  • Understanding how the mind and body work together

What materials are included?

The Online Hypnobirthing Course has been created to ensure you can complete the course at your pwn pace using our library of online videos filmed with our Hypnobirthing Expert Midwives, Emma Savage and Becky Haydock. Our Hypnobirthing Hub contains all of the things you’ll need to ensure your Hypnobirthing experience is a success. This includes:

  • A printable how-to guide to Hypnobirthing
  • Links to positive birth videos on YouTube
  • Downloadable relaxation MP3s to listen wherever you like
  • Printable relaxation scripts to help practice at home

Alongside this, you’ll also have the opportunity to ask our course teacher questions and will be able to contact them if needed after the course.

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